- A Windows PC, Mac or Linux Computer
- ZERO programming knowledge required - I'll teach you everything you need to know
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course, just like Ethical Hacking And Web Design courses. It will teach you how to make money from your apps as well as how to code.
- Anyone who wants to learn to code: Java is a fantastic language to learn how to code with.
- Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work is your key to a hugely powerful world.
The course is divided into 2 main sections:
So you want to build your own apps?
And you want to build them… from the comfort of your home… in your own time… without having to attend class… or wade through endless textbooks (or online guides). Am I right?
And let me guess: you only want the latest technology, software and techniques—because you’ve got big plans, big ideas—and let’s be honest… you’re impatient and you want to jump the queue?
My name’s Ashwin, creator of the world’s best-selling online coding courses… and I’ve designed The Complete Android Developer Course In Tamil, especially for YOU.
A huge range of technologies are covered, including open source Parse Server, Firebase, Admob, GDX (game development), Bluetooth and a whole lot more.
Buy this course today and this is what you’ll get.
Firstly, I will teach you complete java for android, then Android Studio, I'll teach you how to build real, marketable apps.
And by the way—just like my other record-smashing courses—this course is project based, which means you build your own apps in REALTIME…As. You. Learn.
Over half a million students tell me this is THE most motivating and effective way to absorb information.
· You'll start by downloading Android Studio and building an easy-peasy app.
· You'll also get a full guide on submitting your apps to Google Play, plus THREE BRAND NEW WALK-THROUGH chapters explaining exactly how to effectively market your apps—and generate revenue with Google Ads.
· You'll learn all the latest Android P features, including App Permissions and Android Pay.
Why learn to make Android apps?
· Android is without a doubt THE biggest mobile platform in the world, with over 80% market share and over 1 billion devices sold in 2016 alone.
· You can develop for Android on a Windows, Mac or Linux computer.
· Java is a fantastic language to learn, allowing you to make apps for PC, Mac and the web, as well as Android.
· Android app discovery is way superior to the App Store, so your app has a far better chance of getting seen—and bought.
· Ad-based revenue is a lot more common on Android than on iOS, and a cinch to set up with Google Ads.
“Top class professional presentation of a well-constructed course. Consistently pitched at the right level to remain interesting and challenging, this course quickly brings the student to a point where generating their own applications is realistic and fun.”
Who is this for?
Anyone who wants to learn to code to become an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my Ethical Hacking Course. So once you’re up and coding like a demon app developer, it’ll ALSO teach you how to make money from your apps.
Sound good?
It’s also for anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work opens news doors to our awesome digital world
“Ashwin has a knack for explaining material in an easily digestible way. The mini challenges he presents within his lectures are an excellent way to commit things to memory. The lectures are well paced - fast enough to maintain your interest but not so fast that you get left in the dust!”
Is this course right for me?
Coding and app development is the future. Whether you’ve got plans to create the next Facebook, or you want to get ahead at work and increase your earning potential, I GUARANTEE anyone will find The Complete Android Developer Course In Tamil course show-stoppingly useful.
A quick summary of why The Complete Android Developer Course In Tamil is the number one resource for budding app developers, like you:
· Time-tested, quick-to-pick up learning strategies
· Quality insider tips, that only the pros normally know
· Home-based learning—so you can go as fast or slow as you please
· Simple, jargon-free language and HD definition
What You Will Learn From This Course:
- Make pretty much any Android app you like (your only limit is your imagination)
- Become a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the world
- Submit your apps to Google Play and generate revenue with Google Pay and Google Ads
- Bored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an Android developer
- You'll be able to work as a freelance Android contractor
- You'll have a portfolio of apps to apply for jr. developer jobs
Curriculum For This Course
- Course Introduction & Overview
- Course Structure
- Downloading Required Project Files
- Installing Java On Windows And Setting Path
- Installing Intelij For Java
- Hello World In Java
- Explore Your IDE
- What Are Variables In Java
- Add Two Numbers By Taking Input From Users
- Comments And TODOs Are Important
- Primitive Data Types In Java
- Int Float And Double
- Booleans And Char
- Strings In Java
- Arithmetic Operations And Pre Postfix In Java
- Relational Operations In Java
- Logical Operations In Java
- Assignment Operations In Java
- Decision Making With IF And ELSE In Java
- Switch Case And Break In Java
- While Loop In Java
- Do While Loop In Java
- For Loop In Java
- Array - Introduction And Loop Exercise
- Array 2nd Method
- Access Modifies In Java
- Comparing Two Numbers
- Finding odd and even numbers
- Methods In Java
- Classes In Java
- Inheritance In Java
- Installing Android Studio
- Android Studio - Configure
- Creating Our First Project In Android Studio
- Exploring Files In Dir Structure
- A Tour In Android Studio
- Running Our App For First Time
- Introduction
- Basics Of XML And View,ViewGroup
- Types Of Views And Layouts
- Linear Layout - Part 1
- Linear Layout - Part 2
- Linear Layout - Part 3
- Relative Layout
- Introduction
- Colors And Strings
- Styles And Shapes
- Functional SignUp Page With Java - Part 1
- Functional SignUp Page With Java - Part 2
- Functional SignUp Page With Java - Part 3
- Functional SignUp Page With Java - Part 4
- Introduction
- Activity LifeCycle
- Getter And Setter in Java
- Tast And Back Stack
- Introduction
- Android Manifest
- Introduction
- Navigations
- Introduction
- Fragments - Part 1
- Fragments - Part 2
- Fragments - Part 3
- Fragments With XML
- Introduction
- Constraint Layout
- Array List In Java
- Introduction
- Recycler And Card View Introduction
- Custom Layouts And Getters
- ArrayList For Views
- Custom Adapters Steps
- Main Config For Instagram Cards
- Introduction
- What Is API And JSON
- Converting Regular Objects To JSON
- Json to regular objects and serialized name
- Objects Inside An Object
- Array In An Objects
- Volley And API Introduction
- Fetching An API Request
- Introduction
- Google Play Account Setup
- Generating Signed App From Android Studio
- Setting Up Our App's Info's On Play Store
- Publishing Our App To Play Store
Student's Feedback
Dilushan Sivarathnam
1 year ago
Dilushan Sivarathnam
2 years ago
Langesh .A
3 years ago