- No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.
- Need An Computer Or Laptop
- Operating System: Windows / OS X / Linux
Welcome this great course where you'll learn python programming and ethical hacking at the same time, the course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in any of these topics, and by the end of it you'll be at a high intermediate level being able to combine both of these skills and write python programs to hack into computer systems exactly the same way that black hat hackers do, not only that but you'll be able to use the programming skills you learn here to write any program even if it has nothing to do with hacking.
This course is highly practical but it won't neglect the theory, so we'll start with covering some basics about ethical hacking and python programming, installing the needed software and then we'll dive and start programming straight away. From here onwards you'll learn everything by example, by writing useful hacking programs, so we'll never have any boring dry programming lectures.
The course is divided into 4 main sections:
The course is divided into a number of sections each aims to achieve a specific goal, the goal is usually to hack into a certain system, so we'll start by learning how this system work, the weaknesses of this system, and then you'll lean how to write a python program to exploit these weaknesses and hack the system, as we write the program I will teach you python programming from scratch covering one topic at a time, so by the end of the course you're going to have a number of ethical hacking programs written by yourself (see below) from backdoors, keyloggers, credential harvesters, network hacking tools, website hacking tools and the list goes on, not only that but you'll also have a deep understanding on how computer systems work, how to model problems, design an algorithm to solve problems and implement the solution using python.
As mentioned in this course you will learn both ethical hacking and programming at the same time, so here are some of the topics that will be covered in the course:
Programming topics:
- Writing programs for python 2 and 3.
- Using modules and libraries.
- Variables, types ...etc.
- Handling user input.
- Reading and writing files.
- Functions.
- Loops.
- Data structures.
- Regex.
- Desiccation making.
- Recursion.
- Threading.
- Object oriented programming.
- Packet manipulation using scapy.
- Netfilterqueue.
- Socket programming.
- String manipulation.
- Exceptions.
- Serialisation.
- Compiling programs to binary executables.
- Sending & receiving HTTP requests.
- Parsing HTML.
- + more!
What You Will Learn From This Course:
- Learn 2 topics at the same time - Python programming & Ethical Hacking
- Write over 20 ethical hacking and security programs
- Write cross platform programs that work on Windows, OS X and Linux
- Have a strong base and be able to use the skills learned to write any program even if its not related to hacking
- Write programs in Python 2 and 3
- Have a deep understanding on how computer systems work
- Use Python modules and libraries
- Write object oriented programs
- Read, analyse & manipulate network packets
- Inject code in HTML pages loaded by any computer on the same network
- Write a program that can detect ARP Spoofing attacks
- Write client-server programs
- Write a remote keylogger that can register all keystrikes and send them by Email
- Write a program that can discover weaknesses in websites
- Bypass Anti-Virus Programs
Curriculum For This Course
- Introduction
- Installing Python And Pycharm
- Our First Code In Python
- Assignment 1
- Variables In Python
- Data Types In Python
- Strings In Python
- Numbers In Python
- Functions In Python
- Inputs In Python
- Lists In Python
- Lists Functions In Python
- If Else Statements In Python
- While Loops In Python
- For Loops In Python
- Range Function In Python
- Modules In Python
- End For Python
- Real Hacking Starts Now!
- Lab Overview Needed Software
- Installing Kali E8 As a Virtual Machine Using a Ready Image
- Basic Overview Of Kali Linux
- The Linux Terminal And Basic Linux Commands
- IMPORTANT - Wifi Adapter
- Installing Pycharm In Kali Linux
- What Is Mac Address And How To Change It
- Using Python Modules To Execute Linux Commands
- Writing a very basic MAC Changer with python
- Using Variables In Python
- Python 2 Vs Python 3 And Getting Input From Users
- Security Bugs Fixing
- Classes And Objects In Python
- Adding Arguments In Our Script
- Using Functions In Mac Changer
- Return Statements In Python
- Using If Else Statements In Our Mac Changer
- What Is Algorithm And Doing Our Step 1
- Doing Step 2 For Our Mac Changer Algorithm
- Regex
- Refactoring Our Code
- Completing Our Algorithm
- Second Tool - Network Scanner
- What Is ARP And Writing Our Tool
- Design An Algorithm For Our Network Scanner
- Using Scapy To Create An ARP Request
- Setting Our Destination For Our Packet
- Sending And Receiving Packets
- Using For Loops And Lists
- Making Our Script Output Look Good
- Dictionaries In Python
- List Of Dictionaries
- Using Dictionaries In Our Script
- Assignment 1
- Python 3 Compatibility
- What Is ARP Spoofing
- Real Time ARP Spoofing
- Creating An ARP Response
- Extracting Mac Address From Responses
- Using While Loops
- Adding Counters
- Dynamic Printing In Python
- Handling Exceptions
- Restoring ARP Tables
- Packet Sniffer - Introduction
- Sniffing Packets Using Scapy
- Extracting Data From Specific Layer
- Extracting Datas From Layers
- Analysing Fields & Extracting Passwords
- Capturing Passwords From Any Computers Connected To Same Network
- Writing Malwares
- Execute System Command Payload
- Sending Reports By Mail
- Filtering Command Output Using Regex
- Stealing WiFi Passwords Saved On A Computer
- Downloading Files With Python Script
- Writing Files On Disk
- Password Stealing Virus
- Using All The Above To Steal Saved Passwords Remotely
- Deleting The Lazagne
- Keylogger Tool Teaser
- Writing Basic Keylogger
- Global Variables
- Storing Speacial Keys
- Threading
- Using Classes And Objects
- Constructor Methods
- Using Alogger And Sending Mail
- Client - Server Communication & Connection Types
- Connecting Two Remote Computers Using Socket
- Sending And Receiving Data Over TCP
- Executing System Commands Remotely
- Making Our Backdoor More Perfection
- Implementing A Server
- Sending Commands Using Our Listener
- Refcatoring - Creating A Listener Class
- Refcatoring - Creating A Backdoor Class
- Serialisation - Theory
- Serialisation - Practical
- Serialisation - Practical Part 2
- Sending Commands As List & Implementing Exit Command
- Adding Cd Command Feature
- Reading Files
- Writing Files
- Downloading Files From Hacked Computer
- Implementing Upload Functionality In Listener
- Implementing Upload Functionality In Backdoor
- Handling Errors
- Converting Python Programs To Windows Binary Executables
- Running Backdoor Silently
- Presistence
- Running Programs On StartUp
- Creating A Trojan By Embedding Files In Program Code
- Bypassing AntiVirus
- Adding Icon To Generated Executables
- Spoofing File Extension
Student's Feedback
Thameem Lol
2 years ago